Our Course

Delivered over 30 weeks, Meducate's personalized UCAT program is designed to unlock the secrets of scoring in the 99th percentile. Taught by expert tutors with hundreds of hours of experience, we aim to target all aspects of the UCAT systematically, breaking down the madness into a course which expertly balances structure and flexibility.

We run a core of 15 taught sessions which masterfully cover the essentials of each section in the UCAT.

✓ 6 Theory and Content lessons

✓ 5 Practice Question work-through lessons

✓ 4 Mini-Mock and Mock Review lessons

We understand that students learn differently and have various strengths and weaknesses. We realise that a one size fits all approach won't garner the best results for every student and by offering flexible electives, we tailor classes to the students' needs.

In terms of flexibility, we offer a selection of additional elective classes which students can undertake, enabling them to further tackle any weaknesses. These electives range from extra Verbal Reasoning practice sessions to more Abstract Reasoning mock reviews to specific troubleshooting advice for Decision Making!